Why You Need an Independent Agent
To get the best deal on insurance, many people consult an insurance agent or broker. But did you know that there are different kinds of insurance agents and brokers—and the one you choose can make a big difference in the type of service you get and the number and types of choices you’re offered?
Here’s the difference:
-Captive agents and brokers. Captive agents work with a specific insurance company, and as part of their business agreement with that company, they can offer only that company’s insurance products. They may also be required to sell other products from that company, such as annuities and investment plans.
-Independent agents and brokers. Independent agents and brokers can offer products from many insurance companies. This helps them better serve your interests, as they can review multiple options to find a policy and rate that’s right for you. Insurance rates vary from company to company. Independent agents can put together a customized insurance plan.
How many quotes would you want to compare before selecting the one with the best fit coverage and lowest pricing?
If you’re ready to contact an independent agent to talk about saving money on car insurance, here are a few things to consider:
-Has your life situation changed recently? Many factors determine auto insurance rates, not just vehicle year, make, model, body type and engine size. If you’ve recently moved, gotten married, had a birthday or experienced a similar life milestone, mention this to an independent agent or broker. You may be eligible to save money on your car insurance.
-Do you have any affiliations? Think broadly, everything from AARP to Costco. Mention these to your agent as some companies offer discounts simply for being affiliated with other companies or organizations.
-Did you serve our country? We thank you. Many of our partners do, too, and may offer a discount for your service.
Ready for more ways to save? Give us a call today at 706-277-0971 or use the quick quote form on our website to get started. One of our friendly, independent agents will be with you soon!
