What to Do If You're Hit by an Uninsured Motorist
Traffic and driving safety concerns have only increased in recent years, with the number of dangerous accidents rising exponentially.
A car accident is difficult enough on its own, but it can get even more stressful when you find yourself in an incident with an uninsured driver who is at fault. With that in mind, we’ve provided a few basic steps you’ll want to take if this happens to you:
Call the police. The report that is filed will be referenced by the insurance company once you file a claim.
Swap information. Take what information the other driver does have, including address and phone number.
Take pictures. Document the damage done to your car as long as it is safe to do so.
Document events. Write down as much about the incident as you can, including VIN numbers and license plates.
Watch your words. Remember that what you say during the incident may be documented by the police as part of their report. It’s important that you do not admit to any wrongdoing, inadvertently or not.
Do not accept money. You also should not accept any money from the other driver as compensation. The uninsured driver may be interested in avoiding costly court fees, but you’ll want to make sure that your rights are preserved so you can take action if needed.
File a claim. Don’t hesitate to reach out to get the process started.
While you may not be able to recoup funds from the other uninsured driver, a policy with uninsured motorist coverage should help protect you from complete loss. In addition, add-ons like collision coverage and personal injury protection (PIP) can help cover additional vehicle costs and medical bills, respectively.
Are you protected in case of being hit by an uninsured driver or in the case of a hit and run incident? A common coverage called uninsured motorist coverage can help cover you in these situations. Let's review your policy today and ensure you have the right coverage at the right price to prepare for an incident like this!
